Product details
EXPORT PRICE - No Vat charge: - 728 .00GBP
If you are looking to buy an aftermarket 200cell catalyser and it is not a Euro 6 spec HJS design - you are wasting your time (and money)! All 2bular catalysers are now to this spec. The HD (High Durability) Directional designs are fitted to the supercharged installs or any motor over 200bhp. More power = more heat.
Fitted to all the 2bular 4-cylinder Toyota supercharged installs (and some 2bular Honda installs too!). Legendary build-quality from the World's leading supplier of performance catalysers to the Supercar manufacturers. If you need an exhaust catalyser, fit this HJS HD directional design for reliable performance and efficiency. Some owners bought the 2bular 4-1 + De-Cat/SDCP but now require the 2bular catalyser!
Lead time - one week.