2ZZ-GE GT3 Twin-tip system

2ZZ-GE GT3 Twin-tip system

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EXPORT PRICE - No VAT charge:  725 :30GBP

Well - here's a rare beast. Usually the standard 2bular GT3 has a single-tip V-banded to the exit pipe on the silencer. Some people wanted a twin-tip exit below the silencer! Bit of a squeeze with the big 8"dia box but it's possible as you can see. I built this one in H2 version - you can see the internal welds holding the baffles forming the chambers.

You can always disconnect the V-banded twin-tip and fit the add-on silencer if you need to reduce decibels. Feedback says the H2 is good for almost all circuits though. PITA to fabricate but if you want to meet some of the very restrictive decibel limits these days  .........